domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011


     Agarra un telescopio, binoculares o simplemente una silla de jardín y sal al patio de tu casa y realiza un turismo cósmico.Esta guía de observación de las estrellas mensuales, te mantiene informado sobre las constelaciones, objetos del cielo profundo, planetas y acontecimientos. (Todos los espectáculos tienen el mirador desde el hemisferio Norte)

     La siguiente es la transcripción del vídeo (Utiliza el traductor de la página)

"Text for Tonight’s Sky, February 2011
Orion’s Belt is easy to spot. It is made up of three stars, Alnitak, Alnilam, 
and Mintaka.
Canis Major, the Great Dog, is the faithful companion who follows in 
Orion’s footsteps. 
Canis Major is dominated by the most brilliant star in the night sky, Sirius.
Sirius is actually a double system, containing a bright star and a much 
smaller and fainter companion.
It is a mere 8.6 light-years away.
Scanning with binoculars just below Sirius will reveal a lovely cluster of 
stars called M41. It contains about 100 stars, including several red giants.
Stars in clusters like M41 are bound to each other by gravity and are all 
about the same age.
From the left side of Orion’s Belt, look down to the Great Orion Nebula. 
Although barely visible to the naked eye, it is the brightest diffuse gas 
cloud in the night sky. (“Nebula is Latin for “cloud.”)
A small telescope unveils the details and grandeur of the nebula.
Embedded inside the Orion Nebula is the Trapezium, a group of hot young 
stars so brilliant they cause the surrounding gas to glow. 
This turbulent cloud of dust and gas is, in fact, a star nursery. In this 
maelstrom of activity, new stars are being born.
February Morning Planets 
Saturn rises in the east before midnight, climbing high to grace the winter 
sky in the morning hours.Text for Tonight’s Sky, February 2011
Venus rises before the Sun in the southeast to herald the coming of the 
winter dawn. 
The night sky is always a celestial showcase. Explore its wonders from 
your own backyard.
Produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute, Office of Public 
Starfield images created with Stellarium
Mythological constellation forms from Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive 
Uranographia by Johannes Hevelius, courtesy the United States Naval 
M41 image courtesy of NOAO/AURA/NSF
Orion Nebula images courtesy of Robert Gendler
Venus image courtesy Michael Meyers
Narrated by Nancy Calo
Music written by Jonn Serrie
Production by Lucy Albert, John Godfrey, and Vanessa Thomas"


"La ignorancia es la noche de la mente: pero una noche sin luna y sin estrellas". Confucio

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